What is The Best Way to Ensure That You Recruit a Diverse Workforce MCQ

What is The Best Way to Ensure That You Recruit a Diverse Workforce MCQ: In order to be rewarded CPD units you must answer the following random 5 questions correctly. If you fail the MCQ, please re-read the post before attempting the questions again.

What is The Best Way to Ensure That You Recruit a Diverse Workforce 

What is the effect of having a gender-diverse leadership team?

  • The leadership team is more sensitive as a whole
  • Things take longer but they are done well
  • Companies with a leadership team comprised of at least 30% women enjoy net profit margins up to 6% higher than companies with no women in their senior ranks
  • There is no effect

What is The Best Way to Ensure That You Recruit a Diverse Workforce ?

  1. Because diverse candidates apply for fewer jobs
  2. Because there are fewer qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds
  3. Because hiring lots of women means lots of maternity leave
  4. Because unconscious bias often means that we tend to hire in our own image

What might a company do to really signal that it is committed to diversity?

  1. Ensure there is a gender / race / ethnicity officer on the board
  2. Educate the management team and encourage them to share when they are making use of adjusted working practices in their own life
  3. Have a ‘diversity day’
  4. Place adverts in prominent places

How might a company bolster its commitment to diversity?

  1. Have a diversity day
  2. Have a diversity representative in every interview
  3. Communicate a clear and coherent policy to staff
  4. Require men to take up shared parental leave

Which of these is not a reason why Ireland’s workforce is at its most diverse point ever?

  1. Greater equality of opportunity
  2. Tax breaks for foreign nationals
  3. Immigration
  4. Longer working lives

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