Is it Possible to Clear IAS Exam Without Coaching? IAS Exam 2022

Is it Possible to Clear IAS Exam Without Coaching: Coaching Institutions are only business centers and they make more efforts in promotion rather in giving tuition to their students. You would be surprised to know that they also give a huge amount to successful candidates who were not their students in exchange for giving written credit to their coaching. Success stories of toppers which you read are not always because of coaching support.


Candidates put their own effort and get success. After their success, the coaching Institution approaches them with a large packet to convince them to take the name of their coaching. Though it’s not true in all cases, it happens. Success Stories are possible without coaching.

Can I get success in IAS exam without Coaching

Yes, it’s possible for average students who are consistent in their efforts; they can become a success story by clearing UPSC without taking help of any coaching class. There are reasons behind my firm opinion.

Change in UPSC Syllabus

Earlier in UPSC exam, candidates used to take two optional subjects and most of the time straight questions were being asked to write in 600 words. It was to check depth of knowledge of candidates. Professors of Coaching Institutions have made their shortcuts etc. to help you to learn such long syllabus in minimum time.

At that time the weightage of GS was only 1/3rd and coaching classes were able to cope up with that portion. But, with the recent IAS syllabus, their old pattern will not help.

In the new syllabus, UPSC started asking analytical questions to test the understanding and articulation of candidates. It is candidates’ ability to analyze issues from different angles, and that too in only 200 words where coaching classes cannot help. For GS paper, your own reading habit will help you to get success not any coaching.

Dynamic Questions

If you go for analysis of question papers of last five years, you will find that IAS papers are getting more dynamic every year. Genuinely, GS paper cannot be prepared by relying on coaching notes or selective books and material.

IAS aspirant should have the ability to do interlinking between multiple topics of the same subject as well as between subjects in some cases. This will be developed by your own reading habit and no coaching can give you a readymade formula to teach the deep interlinking method. UPSC aspirants have to do this by themselves to mark their own success story in UPSC mains exam.

An era of Technology

We join coaching for two things

  • Guidance
  • Knowledge (Study Material)

We are living in the era of technology, where we don’t need to pay for any coaching class for these two things when these are available in abundance on the internet.

Only thing, you should know the best use of the Internet for IAS preparation. The Internet is full with “Topper Blogs” where you can get toppers’ strategy. They write in their blogs ‘How to Prepare for IAS Exam’ such articles are based on their own experience. First-hand guidance will help you a lot in your UPSC preparation. If a topper is sharing any book name for UPSC or any specific IAS preparation strategy, that will be more practical and proved one also.

The Internet is a sea of knowledge. You can get sources of study material and properly prepared online test series to check your progress. You can attempt these test as per your convenience. You can prepare for this exam at home.

Of course, it may be difficult to clear this difficult civil service exam in the first attempt, but I would say that success in IAS exam is not dependant on coaching classes only.  Share your views in the comment box.

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